Managing Style and Beliefs:


Analytical and conceptional:

Love to details is necessary to get a proper understanding of the situation and is also the key to develop quickly practicable solutions.

Flexible and innovative:

Only if you are prepared to analyse situations and find new and innovative solutions, you will be able to achieve your targets. The targets are fixed, the ideal way to succeed is depending on the situation.

Target oriented and focussed:

Clear and precise targets built the basis for any successful acting. Only when setting priorities, you will be able to fulfil them.

Strategic and operative:

Strategy describes the target and the basic way to go. Essential for turning strategy into a successful operation is the ability to execute with flexibility and pragmatism.

Fairness and partnership:

Fundamental for a long-lasting business relation is to respect the rules of fairness and partnership. This requires also the ability to understand and respect the needs of the partner in order to come up with mutually acceptable and long-lasting solutions.



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